Equipping Pastors To Build a Discipleship Culture
We equip Pastors and Ministry Leaders with the tools and training that helps their people follow Jesus and become world-changers.
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The Discipleship ReFramed is on 5 Continents
It has been taught in over 30 Countries
We have trained more than 200 Pastors and Leaders
How can Discipleship ReFramed help you and your community?
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What is the Discipleship ReFramed , and how is it delivered?
God is Moving!
#discipleship| #culture | #foundation |
Because of the Discipleship ReFramed, I realized the need in our church nationwide to prepare new disciples who make other disciples. It has been an incredible and very fruitful experience for my life and ministry. This last year has been a great blessing and growth.
Luis Solis
Senior Pastor of Community Christian Foursquare Church and Nicaragua Foursquare National Vice President
I cannot say enough about how invaluable Discipleship Reframed has been to my ministry assignment with the International Church of the Foursquare Gospel. It is both theologically sound and robustly practical. “I can testify personally, and on behalf of Foursquare leaders in multiple nations, that if you will invest the time and energy DR calls for, it will revolutionize your disciple-making culture.
Gary Matsdorf
Global Training Director, Foursquare Church
Working with EQUIP and with Pastor Branden on building a culture of discipleship has been incredible. My deepest area of impact was time management. I was confusing busyness for Godliness. I am currently working on this very topic of time management with our church leaders. How can we disciple others if we are too busy and unable to manage our own calendars?
Don't Let Your Current Culture Crush your Discipleship Efforts
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