Get a taste of the Kingdom Story Experience through our informed, short courses.
In-depth experiences
Courses that cover the Old and New Testament in an engaging and story based approach.
Consultations about Discipleship Framework and Culture within an individual or organization.
Virtual coaching &
Building a culture and a framework is hard work. Having an on-going coach to help you with stuck points and be a source of encouragement can go a long way.
In-person coaching & consultations
For our local based groups or those wishing to fly us out, building a culture and a framework is hard work. Bring us on site to work with your team.
In-person and virtual
Get more out of the content by bringing us to you and your team live. Not only will you get in-person events, but also the chance to dialogue with us personally.
Virtual and in-person training for facilitators
We want to multiply our approach around the world. The best way to do that is to train others to bring this message into their own context.